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Taking a multimedia approach allows both Ligon and its clients to get creative! From advertising to photography to video, each of these types of services allows us to put an expressive spin on marketing.

Radio Advertising

Like television advertising, radio advertising offers a diverse range of promotional opportunities. With its considerable potential for engagement, radio advertising can be an effective addition to your media buying and/or advertising campaign. Within it, radio has a number of possible options – digital radio (Pandora, Spotify), traditional AM/FM, and satellite, to name a few. 

At Ligon Marketing, we hold your hand through the entire media buying process. Along with the planning, buying and deployment of your campaign, we can help take care of all of the logistics, too. From creating a script, to recording your spot, and sending it off for launch, we are a full-service agency that specializes in helping you succeed.

Services Radio
Services Television

Television Advertising

Television (TV) advertising can be an effective way to promote a product or service to a broad audience. In order to garner the best results, it’s important to plan, research, analyze, compare and test within your TV media planning and buying campaign. Many companies come to us for help after they come to the realization that pushing out a generic TV commercial across multiple channels without a strategic plan doesn’t work. After spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars with little to no ROI, they understand that putting together a quality TV media planning and buying campaign is serious business. 

Like all media buying, television advertising takes a team effort of combined experience, inventiveness, and know-how. At Ligon Marketing, we can help you determine the right types of media outlets to advertise your business and brand with. Our comprehensive market insight and long-standing relationships with media partners around the globe (yes, we even work internationally!) have equipped us to successfully plan innovative TV media campaigns that reach targeted audiences at cost-effective rates. We work directly with TV mediums and outlets, keeping our clients out of the weeds and able to focus on what they do best – running their business. Let us help you create a successful TV ad campaign that not only reflects your brand in the best light, but also improves your bottom line and helps you conquer the competition. Need help scripting or filming your advertisement? We can help with that, too! 


A picture is worth a thousand words, right?  Cliché as it is, there is no denying that while content is still king, the use of imagery comes in as a close second. Consider this: between Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr, consumers share nearly 5,000 images every second of every day. Add in Pinterest’s estimated 40 million users and it’s clear that today’s consumer prefers pictures to words. 

That’s not to say that, well, just any image will do. Photography is an art. Within that art there are specialties –  lifestyle, editorial, and products, to name just a few – that are tied to a specific use. Is the photo going to be used on a product’s packaging? In an advertorial, a social media campaign, or a user-focused lifestyle advertising campaign?  

We start by asking the right questions. Then, we’ll get to work getting the shot that meets and exceeds your creative needs. We work with the best photographers, stylists, location scouts, set builders, and talent agencies to bring your vision to life.

Services Photography


Did you know that more than 50% of consumers want to see videos created from their favorite brands? Given this fact, video can no longer be just one small piece of your overall marketing plan. It’s central to your outreach and campaign efforts, especially relating to your social media marketing. Why is this important? The world is increasingly visually-oriented. While television commercials still have their place, video is popular across websites, social media, and digital advertising platforms like YouTube. 

Sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it…and with video, how you say it (visually) is everything. By working closely with our customers, we create a unique storyboard, content-rich media, and a visual outline to help bring their ideas to life. Then, we deploy an all-inclusive strategy to encapsulate and deliver their message in the most engaging way to the right audience. We are also experts at scriptwriting, video and post-production editing, as well as distribution and media pitching. Whether it’s a social media campaign, or an award-winning commercial, we do it all!

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